All position papers

Position Papers

2. Energy & Resource Efficiency for Watershapes

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Watershape University is the leading education system for the pool, spa, aquatics, and outdoor living industry. The experience and expertise of our instructors has resulted in this Position Statement intended to guide our students and Corporate Engagement team toward better projects.

This Position Statement was assembled with input from leading professionals in the pool and spa industry including individuals that are not members of Watershape University. The contributors share a common goal of improving safety, reducing energy consumption, raising the current standards, and building better quality projects. The positions are not biased toward specific manufacturers or products.

This document is not a consensus standard or building code. It has not gone through the consensus procedures of any recognized standards writing authority. Watershape University has little interest in pursuing the consensus process that would only dilute these positions with inferior concepts based on specific products, technology, maintaining backwards-compatibility, or other conflicts of interest. Use of this document is completely voluntary.

This document is made available in the public domain. Watershape University encourages the free distribution, use, and reference of this document in whole or in part. Individuals or firms involved with the design, engineering, construction, maintenance, and operation of pools, spas, and water features may use this Position Statement to guide their work; however, in no way does this relieve them from compliance with all laws, codes, standards, regulations, ordinances, or other requirements. Individuals and companies involved with the development of standards and codes are encouraged to consider these Position Statements and the associated Commentary. Authorities having jurisdiction may reference this document directly as a building code in whole or in part.

Watershape University reserves the right to add to, delete from, or otherwise modify this document at any time without notice. The positions stated herein represent sound thinking on the date of publication given the current state of technology, experience, and information. Watershape University recognizes that “one size does not fit all” and that there are exceptions to every rule.

In publishing this document, Watershape University disclaims all liability and is not responsible for any loss, damages, or injuries that may result from reliance upon the statements contained herein.


There are two columns. The first column clearly and concisely states our position. The second column provides commentary and justification for the corresponding position statement.


Each position statement is divided by lines.  The beginning of the section clearly and concisely states our position. After the line break, we provide commentary and justification for the corresponding position statement.

Position Statement


2.1 Line Velocities
2.1.1 The velocity limit in the plumbing at the outlets is 6 feet-per-second by code (ANSI/APSP-7). We recommend that the maximum design velocity on the suction side of the pump be limited to 4.5 feet-per-second.
2.1.2 The maximum velocity on the discharge side of any pump shall be 8 feet-per-second maximum. We recommend that the maximum design velocity on the discharge side of any pump be limited to 6.5 feet-per-second.

See Position Statement #1 for additional commentary regarding velocity limits and configuration at suction outlets.

Energy efficiency is greatly enhanced by limiting the velocity.

Energy efficiency is greatly enhanced by limiting the velocity.

Furthermore, noise is reduced and plumbing systems last longer when they are not stressed by high pressures and high headloss. This results in extended equipment life which conserves resources.

2.2 Spa Jet Systems
2.2.1 We recommend that spa jet systems are configured with dedicated jet pumps.

A filtration system that includes venturi jets is wasteful when the jets are not utilized. Also, typically, jet systems do not require filtration. Since filtration and jets are usually two separate functions, they should each have their own dedicated pumps.

Filtration pumps are often much lower horsepower than those required to operate jets. Therefore, a filtration pump must be oversized if also used as a jet pump. Using a combined system results in wasted energy by operating a pump that is larger than required for filtration since the jet function is only utilized a minimal amount of time.

2.3 Energy Star
2.3.1 Energy Star listed equipment is preferred over non-Energy Star listed equipment.

2.4 Control System
2.4.1 All pumps and lighting equipment shall be connected to timeclocks or controllers that enable scheduling of the equipment and adjustment of variable frequency drives for pumps if used.

2.5 Alternative Heat Sources
2.5.1 All pool or spa filtration systems shall include provisions for the connection of alternative heat sources. This shall include 3 feet of pipe before any heater or the rough-in of supply and return lines for the future connection of solar, radiant, or geothermal heating.